3,2,1,0で瞑想中 アンテナを張ってみよう
3,2,1僕は研究中 ミラー越しに見てた
这是我利用 GitHub Pages 与 Jekyll 搭建的个人博客。 这个博客的搭建是基于QiuBaiying的GitHub页面提供的模板搭建,可能涉及个人隐私问题的图片都已经删除处理。若有遗漏请联系本人
如果你是电脑评测类自媒体/PC厂商需要合作/约稿或招聘的,请联系邮箱。我的简历放在[这里](/resume.pdf)Linux is user friendly.
But it would choose who its user be.
Hi, I am PegionFish. I am an student, an otaku, and a content creator
This is my personal blog, based on Github Pages and Jekyll.My GitHub 👉 Github·Bob Guo.
I want to thank Qiu Baiying for his repo really helped a lot. This blog can't exsist without temp from his repo.His GitHub repo 👉 Github·BY.
I live and study in Hangzhou.
My Social Media:
Zhihu:Main account Backup account